New Beginnings

Posted by on November 5, 2012 in Blog | Comments Off on New Beginnings

January 1, 2013!

Another new beginning.  I spent most of the day in reflection.  Looking at the things in my life that are working for me and that I am happy about and also at the things that I’m not so satisfied with and then deciding what I can change.  Not so much by making New Year’s Resolutions, but more from the stand point of being aware and deciding where to put my energy.

Energy flows where attention goes.  Isn’t that quote? It makes sense and I know it’s true.  So with all my reflection today I came to the realization that one of my biggest frustrations is in keeping my attention focused.  So along with all the things that I want to affect a change to in my life, the most important change is with myself!  (of course! No surprise there.  We all know that we cannot change another person, we can only change ourselves.)

I’ve realized that I have so many things that draw my attention that sometimes I feel like a six year old with ADHD. So I also realized I need a tool.  Nothing earth-shattering. I also know enough about myself to know that I have to take things in manageable steps, so I’m starting with the obvious.  I’m writing down the things that are most important to me that I want to maintain my focus.  Sounds simple enough, right? But there is a step two.  I need to review the list daily, perhaps even several times a day.  That is what is going to be the new behavior for me.  And  have to do it in short bursts. Like a sprinter, not a marathon runner.  I’ll have to work up to the long distance endurance.  And keep the list small so I don’t get overwhelmed.

So after my day of reflection, I’m feeling confident that I can keep myself on a more focused track.  I’ve enlisted the help of my life partner.  He is good at seeing when I am veering off track. And the best thing is, that I also have an amazing tool to assist me further if I find that I’m not being as effective as I’d like to be. Yeah, you guessed it. Hypnosis.  Self -hypnosis or enlisting the assistance of one of my colleagues.

If you find, like me, that you may need a little extra help achieving your goals, perhaps you’ll consider hypnosis.  It truly is the fastest way I’ve found to make lasting change.  And now that I think about it, I don’t think I could have been as painfully honest with myself today as I was if I hadn’t had hypnotherapy  myself and removed some of the major blocks in my life that were holding me back.

I keep reminding myself that there is always another layer to clear.  There’s always more work to do, something else to do better.  I’m so grateful that I have a resource to not only help myself, but to be able to help other people as well, and in a life-altering lasting way.

Sending out Love and Light and best wishes to all for the Grandest 2013 that we can experience!








It feels so good to be back in Pinellas County after almost a 15 year absence spent living in a more northerly Florida county. I love this area and feel like I’ve come home. I wasn’t born here, but I was born in Florida, and after living in various locations across the state, I’m very happy to be in St. Pete now.

I’m really excited to have my hypnotherapy office here and to be able to offer my services to help empower people to become their best selves. With my extensive training at the Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy, I have so many more tools and techniques to bring to my practice and share with my clients.

I’m looking forward to meeting new clients, each one of you, one heart at a time.



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