The Power of Intention

An important component to any hypnosis session, whether it is for a regression or for programming, is to first establish the intention for the session. Setting an intention puts the subconscious on notice that it’s cooperation is needed. After all, hypnosis is a phenomenon of cooperation, both with the client, and the client’s subconscious. The intention is really the first step in the process of change. Your intention is...

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Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Brings Self Awareness

Past Life Regression is a great way to gain perspective on special talents, or interests and can to help to transform deep personal issues that may be impacting your life in unproductive ways. Patterns and themes from the past life are uncovered and many times, the idea of karma needing to be worked out is also uncovered. Many people believe karma is Universal balancing, and that the purpose of life is to work karma out, or repay it somehow. ...

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