Being Out of Your Mind is Absurd

Are you out of your mind? Has anyone ever asked you that? Did you really think about the question before you answered? The question implies several things: that being “out of your mind” is a bad thing as is you have “lost it” or are crazy, that you are supposed to be “in your mind,” and most interestingly, that you can actually leave your mind. The concept is absurd. How can someone be in their mind or out of their mind when the...

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A New Way to Look at Things

Let’s start from a traditional perspective and see the dictionary definition of the word creativity: Here’s what I found: “The ability to transcend ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, method, interpretations, etc., originality, progressiveness or imagination.”  In another dictionary I found a simpler definition: “The ability to make new things or think of new...

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