A New Way to Look at Things

Let’s start from a traditional perspective and see the dictionary definition of the word creativity: Here’s what I found: “The ability to transcend ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, method, interpretations, etc., originality, progressiveness or imagination.”  In another dictionary I found a simpler definition: “The ability to make new things or think of new...

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Small Steps to Learn How to Live in the Now

We’ve all heard it said many times and in different ways, to “Let go of the past and live for today.” It sounds great. But how are we supposed to do that when we are the culmination of all of our past experiences, and not even only our own experiences; we also carry family and cultural experiences as well. We use those memories as justification of who we are and why we do what we do. We put all of that into the mix that we call...

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The Dominant Emotion Wins

Have you ever found yourself stuck? You have so many things you want to do, and some of them are really important to you, yet, you don’t do anything about them. Why is that? If something is really important to you, you’d take care of it, wouldn’t you? Sure you would. At least you want to tell yourself you would. But take a moment and do a quick mental check. Is there something important you want to do, maybe start a new hobby, write a...

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Engaged in this moment. And this moment. And this moment…..

“Be in the present moment.”  We hear this often, but have you ever wondered what it really means? Or how you do it?  If you’ve tried this idea of present moment awareness, you may have found yourself a bit distracted.  Or confused.  How do you stay present, in this moment, engaged in the now, when everything else is swirling around you? It’s a moving target! It’s also seemingly a paradox. And that’s the magic of it. To me,...

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