Living a Triple-A Life

                                                                                             fotolia © Gina Sanders The 3 A’s: Acknowledge, Awareness & Appreciate   We all want the best in life, right? Seems to me that most of us want the same things. To be happy. To be healthy, to have enough time and money to do the things we want to do. To love and be loved. That would be a Triple-A...

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New Year, New Focus!

Possibilities, Peaceful Beginnings and Great Expectations for The New Year fotolia © Andy Dean The New Year is traditionally the time of year we reflect on what we want to change in our lives.  In my experience, most people focus on negative things they want to stop doing such as: smoking, eating junk food, being a couch potato, or losing their temper with their kids, spouse, co-worker, in-laws, etc.  We tend to focus on removing the...

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It’s True. You Get to Choose.

What Do You Choose to Believe? fotolia © rocketclips We hear so much about freedom of choice, yet how often do you stop to think about it and what it means? Seemingly, most people correlate the idea of choice mainly to material things like the vehicle they buy, the way they wear their hair, their clothing, their job, or where they live.  But doesn’t it go far deeper than that? What about choosing how you feel? How many times do you hear...

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Hearing Your Inner Voice

Tune into your quiet inner voice and trust your gut instinct.   fotolia © We all have it.  That quiet little voice that whispers a warning to us. That gut instinct.  Your intuition.   The voice that works to give us guidance and wisdom, if we will only listen. The trouble is that even though it is YOUR inner voice unless you know what it sounds like, what its’ language is, you cannot hear it.   Your inner voice,...

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How to Accept a Compliment

fotolia © graletta Have you ever noticed how some people don’t receive compliments well? It’s interesting how differently people respond when complimented. And how sometimes a person receives a compliment about their attire quite well, yet when complimented on the quality of their work, they seem to lessen the compliment with disparaging remarks. When I was a teenager, my mother told me once that the graceful way to receive a compliment is...

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